Un cocodrilo escupe dos botellas de plástico en un zoológico de Australia


Un zoológico australiano compartió en su cuenta de Facebook imágenes de un gran cocodrilo de agua salda escupiendo dos botella de plástico que aparentemente fueron lanzadas en su estanque por algunos visitantes.

El vídeo subido por el zoológico Rockhampton muestra como un guardian guía al reptil llamado «El Coronel» fuera de las aguas de su jaula, el pasado jueves. Luego el cocodrilo tose y escupe dos botellas de plástico de su boca.

La publicación advierte de los peligros de las botellas de plástico para los reptiles, que hasta pueden ocasionarle la muerte al atorárseles en la garganta.

Plastic bottles are a hazard:Yesterday our zoo staff witnessed The Colonel, our large salt water crocodile, in some distress. He was coughing and clearly trying to dislodge something from his throat. After some time, he regurgitated two plastic drink bottles. It was distressing to see the Colonel going through this as a result of a small minority who don’t do the right thing. These plastic bottles have the potential to kill a croc as they can cause internal lacerations, ulcers, infection or impaction. The vast majority of zoo visitors are very respectful of our animals. However, if you witness anybody throwing items into exhibits or harassing the animals, please report it to zoo staff immediately.In this video keeper James is helping the Colonel to move in such a way that will help expell a bottle that was stuck in his mouth (look for the bottle coming out at the 10second mark.)

Posted by Rockhampton Zoo on Friday, August 5, 2016

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